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Knowledge Is Power

October 2023 Q3 Economic Update Thumbnail

October 2023 Q3 Economic Update

2023's third quarter followed historic trends. Read this newsletter for comments on inflation and interest rates to bond markets and treasury yields. Don't miss our key takeaways as we head into fourth quarter.

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September 2023 Year-end Tax Planning Thumbnail

September 2023 Year-end Tax Planning

Staying current on the ever-changing tax environment is a key component to helping our clients benefit from potential tax reduction strategies. Read this article to explore proactive tax strategies that could be effective if considered and implemented before year-end.

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July 2023 Q3 Economic Update  Thumbnail

July 2023 Q3 Economic Update

The second quarter of 2023 tested even the most seasoned of investors. Read this article to hear more about the market and economy, including tips to help you through uncertain times.

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June 2023 Ideas to Help Prepare for a Recession Thumbnail

June 2023 Ideas to Help Prepare for a Recession

No matter what stage of your investing journey, one of our primary goals is to help with the preparation that is crucial to giving our clients the best opportunity for success. Read this article for ideas to prepare for a possible recession.

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April 2023 Q1 Economic Update Thumbnail

April 2023 Q1 Economic Update

During the first quarter of 2023, growth was modest, job gains increased at a strong pace, and unemployment remained low. The first three months of 2023 were a classic example that volatility can be very prevalent in equity markets. Despite a banking crisis, stubbornly high inflation rates, additional increases in interest rates, and economic uncertainty, U.S. equities still managed to end the quarter on a high note.

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